Hot drink

I’m sorry I accepted that drink nice and hot
And didn’t once check if you sipped yours or not

I’m sorry I watched as you stripped her again
To change yet another dirty nappy and then,

She cried and she cried and she just wouldn’t settle
I’m sorry I thought it was just she was little

I didn’t think to take her I just watched you cope
Believing I was childless, I’d never have a hope

But it wouldn’t have mattered if she didn’t stop crying
For all that you needed was some help with trying

Some respite some backup, just my extra hands
After all, we’d stayed in, hadn’t made any plans

We couldn’t, you didn’t, you were simply so tired
I thought that motherhood just had you mired

So we chilled in your home and you made me that tea
And I sipped so blasé and so so blind to see

That you needed the drink and you needed both hands
On the verge of tears holding on by just strands

To keep it together while I just couldn’t see
I came for the baby, but you needed me

Not to hold her when happy and bob her around,
But to take her when crabby and to help with that

Of washing on the floor or those dishes in the sink
But I’ve said it a lot now…I just didn’t think

I was childless and clueless I didn’t help you
I reflect all the time on the things I could do

If I turned back that clock and you offered that drink
I’d get it myself and I’d tidy the sink

I’d fold all your clothes and I’d help with the laundry
Without any bother (I’ve heard your birth story!)

And now I’ve been through it and have children too
You knew what I needed wasn’t gifts but just you.

Your knowledge your wisdom and sometimes your ear
Just someone who understood the struggle to hear.

To tell me it gets better but know now it’s hard
That motherhood’s great but sometimes it’s marred

With sleepless nights and endless tears,
Overwhelming monotony and paralysing fears

And you just need that friend to please hold the baby
You’ll just sit for a second and maybe just maybe

You’ll catch your breath and realise that you can do it
You just needed that hot drink and this one free

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